Subham Mahanty

Web Development

Subham Mahanty

Web Development


This project is fully created using MERN stack means , Frontend part in React.js and backend part in Node.js , express.js and mongoDB as database.

  • Features:

1.We can create a new Trip.

2. We can also log in to an existing Trip using a trip id.

3.eveytime we login , it will send us a email to our email id.

4.We can easily make a transaction and split our amount among other members.

5.We can easily look into our transaction histories with members who have returned our money marked as green and others as red.

6.We can pay someone the money they owed us.

7.UI is really user friendly with beautiful backgrounds and efffects.

8.We can easily view all of our transactions like We paid whom , Who returned the money to us , How much i have to pay to others and many more..

*New features will also be added next.

  • Problems I faced while creating it:

1.In the backend managing all those features , database models was really hard. But after hours of woking i had successfully managed it.

2.I have learnt how i can debug code and solve some some common as well as uncommon errors.

3.While deploying in heroku i faced cors error , but after trying different methods i successfully solved it.

4.I don't have enough knowledge about designing so frontend part was really a huge challenge for me. Took me many hours just to solve some errors in frontend.

GitHub Link 🔗

Deploy Link 🔗

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