Harshad Birajdar

Web developer

Harshad Birajdar

Web developer

Taxo - Cab Fare Predictor

Taxo - Cab Fare Predictor


Technologies& packages

  • React :-JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • TailwindCSS :-Tailwind CSS makes it quicker to write and maintain the code of your application
  • Axios :- Axios is a promised-based HTTP client for JavaScript.
  • Zustand :-A small, fast and scalable barebones state-management solution using simplified flux principles.
  • react-geocode :-A module to transform a description of a location
  • react-google-maps/api :-bindings to the Google Maps
  • prop-types :-use the right type of props, and that receiving components receive the right type of props
  • react-hook-form :-library that helps you validate forms in React.
  • react-toastify :-toast notifications to App
  • classnames :-utility for conditionally joining classNames together

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