Cabso is a Webapp, for ordering cabs or taxis with cheapest fair prizes.
Deployed link -
1. Enhanced Search.
2. Routing and Marker pointing.
3. Shows Distance between the selected Markers and also time taken to travel (including traffic).
4. User Authentication.
5. Cab Selection - 4, 6 seats cars.
6. Order Cab and Manage your Cab bill.
Cabso - fastest and cheapest way of traveling. This is a Full-stack app, made in MERN stack. It has fully functional token based authentication. If you book a cab it will also generate a bill for you which is shown in your /bookings page. You can even cancel your booking at anytime.
Our App pricing involves as per below points:
1. Obviously, price per KM (distance) - 4/KM
2. Time Period - It takes extra charges if you are booking cab after 6 PM.
3. Also Depends on which cab are you booking - sedan, suv...
API'S used
For making this webapp, we used TOMTOM Map services.
1. Maps API
2. Distance or Routing API
3. Places API
4. REST API using Express and mongoDB
You can also find all API links in the source code
Thankyou for your visit
**Note: If you wanna surf through the site server then, go to the server branch in this repository**
GitHub Link 🔗
Deploy Link 🔗