Keshav Saini

Frontend Developer

Keshav Saini

Frontend Developer



So this project named Cabby is basically a cab fare predictor and a cab booking system UI.

which provides an interactive dashboard for the user to visually see and his ride details (i.e. the source location of the user and his destination) either by searching or even by pointing to his current location.

For location searches and map i have used Google Maps Javascript API and also a few other libraries all from Google Cloud Platform

On cabby we have provided option for the user to choose his ride as per his needs and wants , so he can select from a list of vehicles to ride. Whose charges may differ according to the size of the vehicle.

And also in the app ui user can view and manage his previous ride information with all the deatils (Ride Fare, Distance Travelled, Source, Destination, Time and Date etc.)

So this is about the project Cabby

Thanks for reading

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